Crescent Falls, Jacks River St Mary

July 5, 2020 after visiting a Blue Hole we decided to chase waterfalls in a community called Crescent located in St. Mary. Kyle had sent me a GPS location on how to find it. Man this day Charles and I went on a serious wild goose chase. When we got to the location on the GPS a sweet little old lady told us to park at the end of her property and hike down hill into the river. Now the way the property was set up I had no clue where the end of her property was, so I drove to where I thought she was talking and did as I was told. We walked along the road but there were no signs of a waterfall. July 5, 2020 We eventually decided to drive up the road, which was pretty lonely. Eventually we saw a pick up heading down the hill and decided to ask him. I showed him Kyle photo with the waterfall and he said he was friends with Kyle but that waterfall wasn't in that area. We still insisted on finding it, so we started asking again in a different community. They told us how to find a waterfall...