Bullhead Mountain, Clarendon, Mason River, C Cave Falls

While going through Instagram I saw a waterfall that looks like Johnson Crawl. I asked the young miss, who posted it where it was located and she said Clarendon, my speculations were correct. However, she didn’t give me much information on it, which was expected, typical people on Instagram always acting like they own a spot. Long story short she said it was near Bullhead Mountain then, went on to say it is near Rowe Town Smh. I asked her if she had a number for the person that took her, she said yes but did not share it even though I asked her to get permission from the person. Anyways she left my message on seen. I did some research and nobody I know seems to know of it. I know they’re plenty of waterfalls in Clarendon. I need to go back to Braehead to find a way to see two more that are in the area. The weekend came and I was hitching for an adventure. Bright and early February 4, 2023 I was packed and ready for a wild goose chase. Made my way on the toll road, then on to Glenmore...