Bullhead Mountain, Clarendon, Mason River, C Cave Falls

While going through Instagram I saw a waterfall that looks like Johnson Crawl. I asked the young miss, who posted it where it was located and she said Clarendon, my speculations were correct. However, she didn’t give me much information on it, which was expected, typical people on Instagram always acting like they own a spot. Long story short she said it was near Bullhead Mountain then, went on to say it is near Rowe Town Smh. I asked her if she had a number for the person that took her, she said yes but did not share it even though I asked her to get permission from the person. Anyways she left my message on seen. I did some research and nobody I know seems to know of it. I know they’re plenty of waterfalls in Clarendon. I need to go back to Braehead to find a way to see two more that are in the area.

The weekend came and I was hitching for an adventure. Bright and early February 4, 2023 I was packed and ready for a wild goose chase.

Made my way on the toll road, then on to Glenmore Road. Passed through the town of  Chapleton, on the bad roads leading to Crooked River but we turned off at the spot named Pumpkin. I doubt this is the correct name of the community because there were no signs or anything, not even a single pumpkin in sight! The road from here was the worst, yes it was worse than the remaining stretch leading to Crooked River and Breahead side. It was mostly winding and uphill, the air was fresh and clean and I was feeling a sense of calmness. I've been somewhat stressed and zoned out lately dealing with my personal life so this trip was for me to unwind and relax.

While driving past the entrance to Bullhead Mountain, we decided to stop and walk around, because I’ve never been and this was actually my first time, this side of Clarendon. Listen if you are not a skilled driver or actually driving a pick up or 4x4 do not attempt to drive in the pack. The road is narrow and winding. After a while we parked and decided to walk around and check if we could find the monument which is placed to mark the center of Jamaica. Nature is so calming I felt at peace, this is just what I needed. We might have walked for a little over an hour without seeing the monument. We did however see the Digicel coverage poll. 

The morning was still young but I was ready to go so we walked back to where we parked and off we went. We stopped at a community called Reckford for food and directions. The road conditions on this side improved. It wasn't so bad. After a short while we arrived in Rowe Town asking about a waterfall. An elderly man told us to go left when we got to the big hill. After turning left we asked another man, he told us that no waterfall was in the area so I showed him a photo he said that the waterfall is called Rampen and it's over Bullhead Mountain bush. I wanted to get a second opinion so we continued on the narrow, winding road. Once again we stopped to ask an elderly man, he said there was no waterfall in the area because there were no rivers nearby. A young guy came out and said I could be looking for Mason River. I told him maybe so he made a call to find out if a waterfall was there. The person on the phone indeed confirmed a waterfall so now we needed to get on the other side of the hill. The road leading out of Rowe Town was bumpy and badly in need of repairs.

I totally forgot about this community, it wasn't until I saw the welcome sign, it all came back to me. I remembered seeing a photo of a waterfall that was taken in this community years ago. Maybe what I was looking for was in this area too, I thought to myself. We parked at a bar and asked locals about the waterfall, one elderly man said there is a waterfall down the hill but he can’t manage to show me. He told me to wait, he's going to call a young man to assist me. When the guy came he said it’s a long walk, I don’t know why locals always say it's a long walk smh. I offered him 2000 JMD he accepted, I grabbed my bag-pack and we were off to chase waterfalls. My company for the day wasn’t an adventurous person so as usual I had to ask all the questions, negotiate prices and ask for directions because he had no idea of where we were or where we were even going lol. 

The hike started exactly where we parked to ask for help, through a yard with a junk yard and animal farm. Once we passed the animal farm. The hike was downhill from there on, we passed a lady and her kids washing at a small stream. The view was breathtaking, the trees were fifty shades of green and the atmosphere was clean and fresh. We even passed a cabbage farm. 

The area was so beautiful and unique. In no time we were standing at the top of the waterfall. The hike down hill took exactly five minutes. The waterfall was surrounded by bamboo and coco trees hiding it from the scorching midday sun, making it the perfect spot to cool down on a hot day. It flew calmly down the rock forming a natural crystal pool. The root from a tree growing on the rock from the cascade form of the letter C. This was so cool, there's even a cave under the waterfall. The young man says you can go under there and stand up. According to him the cave leads to another section of the hill side. I’d love to go under there but for personal reasons I couldn't go on this trip, maybe on my next visit, because the young man says he knows where the other waterfall is located and he’ll take me there when I return. 

The waterfall wasn’t in all its glory but nevertheless it was still so beautiful, way better than the photo I saw years ago. I created some content, played in the water a bit, before we wrapped up. Once we were back on top of the cascade we made our way through the cabbage farm to see a smaller cascade with another cave. This area was pretty interesting and I will definitely be coming back. 


I didn’t bother attempting to find what I came looking for as the time was getting late and the roads were badly in need of repairs but I think I have a good idea where to start my search next time. We took a different route to get back to Chapleton on the way back, to my surprise we ended up in Braehead. Very interesting day indeed. 

Follow my instagram page Sugardrops2311 also please support my blog by donating to my Paypal, thank you. If you're interested in visiting this spot or any one from the blog and or seeking a guide shoot me an email tifaneygidarisingh@gmail.com

Remember I am also on Youtube, subscribe to my channel share and like my videos.

Until next time, love and light.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you - Matthew 6:33 KJV. 


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